Title (Year): Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
Age: 85 years
GRS Rating: 5 of 5
Notable Cast: Jean Arthur, James Stewart
Duration: 2 hr, 10 min
Infractions: None.

Comments: When an elderly senator dies mid-term, the governor must appoint a replacement to complete the term. The governor decides the matter with a coin toss! His selection is an inexperienced, young leader of the Boy Rangers. This young man knows American history and reveres the federal government. How will he respond when he learns of a bill being pushed through the U.S. Senate that will benefit a businessman at the expense of his state's people and environment?

A fresh-faced Jimmy Stewart presents his role with astonishing power and verve. I really enjoy how his character confronts "the machine", as it is called, with vindication. This film was controversial when it was released, and I doubt that it could be released in its current format today. In 1939, it was banned in the dictatorships of Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union. United States representatives, of that contemporary, railed against this film. It must have hit too close to home. That's part of the reason why I highly recommend this movie!

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