Title (Year): SARS Wars: Bangkok Zombie Crisis (2004)
Age: 20 years
GRS Rating: 0 of 5
Notable Cast: None.
Duration: 1 hr, 27 min
Infractions: Blood & gore, vomit

Comments: SARS number 4 has wreaked havoc on many of the world's nations. However, Thailand is free of the illness. That is until the residents in a Bangkok apartment building fall "ill". Can a modest hero rescue a rich man's daughter from the building?

This Thai film is creative and very funny. It plays on the stereotypes of Thailand: e.g. transsexuals, love tours, Buddhist monks, etc. It's out there! There's even a zombie newborn. "Shit! We have zombies, a bomb, and now a giant snake! This movie is really trying to make some cash!"

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