Title (Year): Gulliver's Travels (1995)
Age: 29 years
GRS Rating: 5 of 5
Notable Cast: Ted Danson, Omar Sharif, Robert Hardy
Duration: 3 hr, 6 min in two parts
Infractions: None.

Comments: This TV movie closely follows the satirical novel of Jonathan Swift. The most famous scene with the Lilliputhians is produced well. The special effects are marvelous, considering the time and budget. But, what really shines in this TV movie, is the preservation of the original text. There are omissions and exaggerations, but they develop the novel as a whole. It captures the essence. I'll admit that I was skeptical of the "current day" drama in the first part; however, in the second part it became instrumental to the telling the story. Well done. Bravo!

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