Title (Year): Blake's 7 (1978-1981)
Age: 46 years
GRS Rating: 5 of 5
Notable Cast: Paul Darrow, Michael Keating, Gareth Thomas, Jacqueline Pearce, Jan Chappell
Duration: Each episode approximately 45 min
Infractions: None.

Comments: The program opens with a man being led out of the safety of the dome, encouraged by more recent news of his family. (This show is set in the future where people live in environmentally-controlled domes.) Outside, he witnesses the mass murder of dissidents. Once captured, he starts to recall his own history of dissidence, which was wiped from his memory. The adminstration, fearing total recall, falsely charges him with molesting children. The court then sentences him to life on a penal planet. But good fortune allows him to recover an alien space vehicle, which is far superior to those of the Federal administration, and affords his escape. This series follows his, and his group's, fight against the corrupt totalitarian empire (the Federation), which falsely convicted him, twice.

"Oh, but it's for the children" comes to mind when the child molestation charges are brought against the main character, a popular leader of the resistance movement. This British program hits upon so many questions in life--not all of which are political--, and with so much power, that I doubt that it will ever be available on Region 1 DVD. That's why I purchased all four series from the British. As ironic as it sounds, the British are more open to laughing at empires than we are.

Only until fairly recently did I understand Terry Nation's message in this program. I was entranced by the action, witty one-liners, beautiful women, and the general coolness of the characters. Those desirable characteristics haven't gone now that I'm grown up. I just realize that this program is even more powerful with its anti-totalitarian message. Public surveillance, organized religion, personal debt, a weapon of complete elimination, etc. are all contemplated in this show. Very highly recommended. (Available on YouTube.)

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