Title (Year): Transformers (2007)
Age: 17 years
GRS Rating: 5 of 5
Notable Cast: Megan Fox
Duration: 2 hr, 23 min
Infractions: None.

Comments: A race of aliens have fought among themselves and lost the cube. They have been searching for it when they discover it on Earth. The U.S. military encounters the first alien in Qatar. These machines transform into two distinctive shapes.

Before I start on a rant: there are scenese throughout the closing credits. I grew up watching Transformers. I enjoyed it a lot so, naturally, I am very critical of this film. The Autobots (the good Transformers) are fairly well-done. I thought I recognized Optimus Prime's voice and was impressed to see the same guy did the voice in the movie, as the TV program. Bumblebee is not a Camaro, and never will be in my mind. I don't care how much Chevrolet paid to get one of the most memorable Transformers changed into a Camaro, Bumblebee will always be a VW Bug to me! The idea of the Decepticons is ruined. Megatron transforms into a gun. That's why Starscream, who (ironically) Megatron seems perpetually disgusted with, has to shot him. Megatron is not an airplane! The human characters are as idiotic as in the TV program. The girl is worth watching ;)

Michael Bay needs to wake up or, at least, do some research and correct these glaring issues before the next movie is made. And what's with turning every little event into a 'slow-mo' "sob session?" I felt a little bad when Bumblebee was damaged but I didn't give a shit about the army guys. And finally, stop trying to force ideas down the audience's throat. I didn't like the political ideas in the film. I watch a movie so I don't have to listen to crap about the current "police actions!"

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