Title (Year): Hot Fuzz (2007)
Age: 17 years
GRS Rating: 4 of 5
Notable Cast: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Kevin Eldon, Martin Freeman, Timothy Dalton
Duration: 2 hr, 1 min
Infractions: Blood.

Comments: Do not be mistaken this flick is graphic; I just didn't see it as particularly excessive. How can an Edgar Wright film not be at least a little gory?

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Like Shaun of the Dead it references other movies and employs clever English humor such as punning and double entrendre. This is something that is sorely lacking in modern American cinema.

Besides loving the humor, the acting is top-notch. Even Timothy Dalton plays a part that reminds me of his role in The Rocketeer. An absolutely wonderful action flick with more depth than Shaun of the Dead but the character development doesn't get in the way. I was never bored. Very highly recommended.

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