Title (Year): Dead Shadows (2012)
Age: 12 years
GRS Rating: 0 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: 1 hr, 15 min
Infractions: Blood & gore, vomit, alien gore, sewing a wound

Comments: A lighted meteor showers the earth with particles. Then, a boy witnesses his crazed father kill his mother, which makes him afraid of the darkness. Ten years later, a comet arrives and people begin to act strangely in Paris. An attractive neighbor invites Chris to an end-of-the-world party. But it's no joke, the end of the world is here!

This horror film seems to be based on a graphic novel. It's entertaining. The cheap computer graphics add important details to the story. It's available on Tubi with French subtitles. Curiously, all the credits are in English.

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