Title (Year): The End? - In un giorno la fine - L'Inferno Fuori (2017)
Age: 7 years
GRS Rating: 0 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: 1 hr, 38 min
Infractions: Blood

Comments: Claudio Verona, a well-to-do businessman involved in large acquistions, is late to work due to the unusually large amount of road traffic. He meets a former mistress in an elevator. After she gets off, the elevator is stuck between floors. Meanwhile, widespread and violent attacks have taken hold of Rome. He manages to partially open the elevator doors to see his former mistress dragged away by crazed, bloody people!

This Italian zombie flick is fun. I like how the uninfected fight back. It's also a decent character film, because the main character witnesses the deaths of his colleagues and loved ones. The movie reminds me of Phone Booth. Recommended, if you enjoy this genre.

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