Title (Year): Daybreak (2019)
Age: 5 years
GRS Rating: 0 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: Each episode approx 45 min
Infractions: Defecation, vomit, blood & gore

Comments: Nuclear war melted down those older than 18 years or turned them into zombies. It also mutated animals. Though, all the young adults and children survived unscathed.

After the apocalypse, Josh is looking for the girl that he loves. He meets and accepts others during his search. That's good; however, will he find his Sam?

This TV program is not a romance. It's more of a drama at the end of the world. I like how the characters break down The Fourth Wall. This program is based on a graphic novel. The new zombie characteristic is that they repeat the last sentence they had spoken. There are lots of references to other films, TV programs, and games. This show is funny, moves along steadily, and entertains! All the characters are memorable, and the acting is excellent. It's too bad the program ran for only one season.

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