Title (Year): Dinoshark (2009)
Age: 15 years
GRS Rating: 0 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: 1 hr, 30 min
Infractions: Gore & blood

Comments: A melting glacier in Alaska releases small, prehistoric sea creatures. Three years later, one is no longer small and attacks a sailboat. Suddenly, there are unexplained deaths off the shore of Mexico. Coincidence?

This is a B-grade TV film. Don't expect more than crummy acting, a predictable plot, and shoddy effects. But it's a guilty pleasure of mine. You, too, can "switch off" and enjoy it! One funny point is that a character pointed at Papua New Guinea and called it New Zealand. Well, "New" is in both names! The initial scene with the monster produced a theme music reminiscent of Jaws.

This is a SyFy production. Roger Corman produced and had a small part in it. It's a remake of a '70s movie, which was in turn influenced by Jaws. Still, it is silly and fun.

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