Title (Year): TiMER (2009)
Age: 15 years
GRS Rating: 5 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: 1 hr, 40 min
Infractions: None.

Comments: In a could-be present-day, a device has been created to countdown the time until your "one" will enter your life. This invention is guaranteed to be correct. That's why many people have had TiMERs fitted to their wrists. The main character has a TiMER, but it is blank. That means her "one" hasn't fitted a TiMER. But, what if love occurs the old-fashioned way? Is it trustworthy?

This is a fresh and clever idea. Yes, the execution is a bit girlie. The concept may be new, but the story is classic. Still, this is a film that should be seen. It poses questions about our current, modern method of building relationships. Maybe we're a bit too quick to pass judgements?

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