Title (Year): Admiral - Адмиралъ (2008)
Age: 16 years
GRS Rating: 2 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: 2 hr, 4 min
Infractions: War & blood

Comments: Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak proves himself when he defeats a German cruiser by leading it into a minefield, which his ship has just laid. Later, he's promoted to rear admiral of an entire Imperial Russian fleet. But then, the Bolsheviks (the Reds) mount a revolution. The admiral acknowledges the Red government, only to be forced out. So he leads the loyalist Russian army, the Whites, against the Reds.

Having ancestry who left Russia shortly before the Bolsheviks murdered their way into power, this film has special meaning to me. Naturally, so does the focus of this dramatic biography, because he is the leader of the White Russian army, which was loyal to the Czar.

That aside, this film is really a love story amid a war-torn and a revolting nation. It helps while exploring the main character. The style is similar to Doctor Zhivago.

The first scene of this film is really the most exciting. It's available on Youtube. Personally, the film makes me long for winter and snow. I recommend this film!

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