Title (Year): Severed (2004)
Age: 20 years
GRS Rating: 0 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: 1 hr, 36 min
Infractions: Blood & gore

Comments: On an island off the Pacific Northwest, tree huggers and loggers battle to get their own way. Little do they know that the lumber corporation has been testing a genetically-altered fungus on the trees that surround them. The fungus is supposed to increase the growth rate of the trees. (Ha, GMO trees!) What could go wrong?

This zombie film is better than most because, in a short time, it explores the changes in civilization after the break-out. Also, the aerial and landscape filming are wonderful! I could do without the jiggling-swaying during action shots. But, all in all, this flick is a good one, if you're into this sort of thing.

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