Title (Year): Moonbase 3 (1973)
Age: 51 years
GRS Rating: 5 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: Each episode approximately 1 hr
Infractions: None.

Comments: Obviously set in the future, bases on the moon have been established. This program centers around Moonbase 3, which is a research center run by the Europeans. The series opens with a mistake that kills the base's director. An independent intellectual is sent from Earth to investigate, and serve as a replacement. His unorthodox methods are met with reluctance.

This program is a gem in the 1970s BBC collection. The effects may look a bit cheesy today; however, the acting is superb and the storylines are intriguing and thematic. English television being a small world, the creators are known for their work in Doctor Who as are some of the actors. If you enjoy space and '70s English programming, then I'd strongly recommend this show. This program was an inspiration for Starcops.

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