Title (Year): In the Flesh (2013-2014)
Age: 11 years
GRS Rating: 0 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: Each episode approximately 1 hr
Infractions: Blood & gore

Comments: In the near future, a zombie apocalypse has been surpressed. Now, the zombies are said to have PDS (i.e. Partially Deceased Syndrome). With drugs, rehabilitation, and make-up, they are being released back into their communities. This BBC 3 show centers around a young, rural teen who is reluctant to return because of guilt. His small English town had formed the HVF (Human Volunteer Force), which put down the zombie invasion; so will his return be short-lived?

The now-defunct BBC 3 specialized in programs aimed at the 20-to-40-age market. That does a lot to explain this series. The Beeb also probably rejoiced in the fact that the central character is gay. That said, it is surprisingly good at developing the characters. And, as only the British can do, it is eerily acceptable.

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