Title (Year): Continuum (2012-2015)
Age: 12 years
GRS Rating: 4 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: Each episode approximately 45 min
Infractions: Violence.

Comments: In 2077, corporations have taken control of most aspects of life because the national governments were bailed out by them. Of course, there are dissenters. A large group stages an attack (similar to September 11th) and is sentenced to death. They, however, manage to escape by shifting back in time to 2012. There, they try to effect a change. A Corporate Proector Service (CPS) woman is accidentally caught in the vortex and also travels back in time.

This could have been so much better than it is. Instead it focuses on the woman and how she wants to get back to her own time. This premise has already been better explored in Ashes to Ashes.

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