Title (Year): Chuck (2007-2012)
Age: 17 years
GRS Rating: 5 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: Each episode approximately 30 min
Infractions: None.

Comments: A supervisor of Buy More's Nerd Herd (i.e. Best Buy's Geek Squad) is sent an email message from a Stanford roommate who ruined his life. The message reveals images and connections that are valued by the U.S. government. Both the CIA and NSA sent agents to recover the data. The guy is unwillingly pulled into this world of espionage.

Pretty standard idea. Mostly funny. I couldn't help but think of the game series Mass Effect. Yvonne Strahovski did the voice for the Miranda character and the computer guys modeled Miranda after her. The faces are nearly identical, while the computer guys enhanced the virtual character's body. (See here and here.) And to boot, both characters are government agents with mysterious pasts.

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