Title (Year): Real Steel (2011)
Age: 13 years
GRS Rating: 5 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: 2 hr, 7 min
Infractions: None.

Comments: In the near future in Texas and the Heartland a retired boxer is now running fighting robots to make ends meet. When an old girlfriend dies leaving the custody of a son (who doesn't know him) up in the air, he convinces a rich uncle to pay him for custody of his son. Unfortunately for the old boxer, the new foster parents are going for a vacation in Italy so he's stuck with his son for the summer. The kid stumbles across an ancient fighting robot, which he fixes up to fight the newer, bigger robots.

This is a good underdog family action flick. It's got all the right elements without being trite or silly. I really enjoyed the film.

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