Title (Year): The Eagle (2010)
Age: 14 years
GRS Rating: 4 of 5
Notable Cast:
Duration: 1 hr, 54 min
Infractions: Vomiting.

Comments: The son of a commander of a Roman legion, which goes entirely missing in northern Britain, is plagued by the strong need to prove himself. If not only for himself, but to clear the name of his family. The reason for this burning desire is the fact that his father lost a golden eagle. This eagle is a premier symbol for the Romans. The son will do anything to retrieve it, and recover his family's dignity.

This is a very good action film. It may not be historically accurate; but it generates a good feeling. And being a fan of Scotland and its people, I had little trouble enjoying this film! It also presents a number of relevant topics, albeit, with a somewhat slanted viewpoint. This, however, doesn't take away from the movie.

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